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Cara berhenti langganan RBT memang susahnya amit-amit. Tiba-tiba saja HP Burukutuk yang XL terdaftar di RBT Ring Back Tone secara otomatis, padahal tidak pernah mendaftar sebelumnya. Dan, secara bulanan terkena potongan Rp. 7.000,- (Kan sayang juga?). Memang sih keren juga ada nada sambungnya, tetapi kan tidak perlu, apalagi kalau pesanannya otomatis ada. Padahal, tidak pernah memesan. Selain itu juga, XL secara otomatis memperpanjang RBT nya, benar-benar mengesalkan.
Ada macam-macam cara seperti UNREG, berhenti, STOP, dsb. Tetapi,kalau tidak tahu harus dikirim ke mana akan sangat menyulitkan untuk berhenti berlangganan RBT tersebut. Berdasarkan data hasil Googling, akhirnya menemukan caranya. Nah, mari berbagi yuk di mari . . .
Tidak akan menemukan jawabannya di situs resmi XL, atau simpati atau operator lainnya. Hanya ada di sini.
Untuk pengguna XL : ketik UNSUB kirim ke 1818
Bandingkan dengan operator lain yang memuat cara berhenti berlangganan dalam website mereka masing-masing :
We visited ur stand at the La Piazza one week ago, and I was very interested in your “Bvlgari Aqua” man parfume displayed at the fair.
We should be pleased if you could send us your latest catalogue and price-list. Perhaps at the same time, you could let me know the time required after you received the order if they are competitive. We may place our regular orders in the future.
Yours Faith fully
Bimo P. Prakoso
Purchase Manager
PT Jaya Selalu
113, Jl Sudirman Raya
Jakarta 10009
Your ref: BP/MY/11A
Our ref: JS/MV/18
9 May 2011
Mr. Bimo P. Prakoso
Purchase Manager
Bhimz and team Lechuza
Jl. Parang Tritis Raya no 113
Bekasi 17610
Dear Mr.Bimo,
Thank you for your inquiry of 28 April, inquirying about our latest catalogues and price-list. We are pleased to enclose our new catalogues, and price-list of our promotional products. We hope u will find our prices and look forward to receiving ur first order.
Colonel Sanders the founder of the famous fried chicken franchise. He started at the age of 66 years, retired army of superpowers, do not have any money except from old age allowances, which are running low. He has expertise in cooking, cooking recipes he offers to more than 1,000 restaurants in the country. Finally, the restaurant in 1008, received the recipe and now we can enjoy it in Indonesia, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Perhaps Colonel Sanders is very simple dream, to have decent money to live on the day his parents who lived for a while longer. Another interesting example of the dream in the old days one never aired on private TV station, about a housewife-colored skin. This mother could send more than 20 elementary school students get to college only with the cost of his hand. Started some twelve years earlier when on his way home from work this mother met a young woman starved. With the sincerity of his heart he took the young woman into a food store, and then allowed her to take the food he wants. Apparently this young woman took the bread, baby milk, sausages, eggs and a few other household necessities that are not reasonably required by the young woman her age. When asked his roots, this young woman did not want to explain, saying only that he was not attending school. Since then this mother promised to send every child to college. Life So Meaningful Dreams, aspiration, dream, vision, and much more counterparts said that shows where we are to navigate this life with great meaning. Dreams are not always for themselves, do not always have to matter, do not always have the luxury. Dreams can to make others happy person, for the good of the environment around us, or simple dream, just wanted to invite our grandmothers, our parents, our children visited Borobudur temple for example. Small time dreams can dream, the dream school time, dream work, dream while under pressure from other parties, as miserable dream, dream when approaching death. The world is growing because of the dreams that are considered crazy at the time. Jules Verne dreamed you could fly to the moon, dreaming one can dive the deepest ocean depths. Today nearly every six months there is only human manned flight into space, even large countries collaborate to establish the space station where people can live comfortably. Today people can see the depths of the ocean's deepest, darkest great pressure per inch, can find new species that had never known before. Ibu Kartini, dreamed that her compatriots can get a decent education, to get an equivalent life. Today more and more Indonesian women get higher education, have careers par with her male colleagues, even our president a woman. Gajahmada dream to unify the vast territory of Majapahit with fasting dining palapa. Currently, not only unite the Majapahit territory of the Republic of Indonesia but was able to unify the Palapa satellite countries in Southeast Asia. With the dream of some people can get instant wealth, through guess-guess the number. Well, that's one dream too, but do not follow you know. Write Your Dreams Dream is a very inexpensive way to make ourselves successful. Yes, cheap, because it takes only maybe a piece of paper and tools he wrote. Even in one of the Information Technology conference ever held in Taiwan, the graffiti on the toilet paper when we can have lunch is a new dream creation of new tools as well. Lho kok piece of paper to dream, indeed, that dream will become reality is a dream written and visualized. One of the authors of this article has a dream to write books himself since graduating from college. Currently more than seven books and hundreds of articles already published some of them even became Best Seller within no more than five years. In addition, the author also has helped several others to also write books, articles and follow his success. Wrestled with the dream, read on, talk, see and hold the pictures, discuss, afirmasikan, feel has happened, then make a commitment to getting the dream job whatever. Read out the dreams that every day, look at his pictures every day, every time. Make a commitment, make an appointment on that dream that I can achieve it, I definitely got to get that dream. Make plans for those dreams. The author makes little writings that are then stored in the wallet, and brought constant wherever she traveled, read every morning before starting the activity. Basically, all humans have a clear dream, just that, dreams were often stolen by people nearby, the environment, by people who loved even by yourself. Back off a few years ago when we were kids, each of us is always asked by people who are older will our dreams someday in the future. A lot of us can tell what we dream, what our ideals, what we desire would be, though we ourselves do not know or do not understand the so-called ideals, perhaps. There is a research about successful people. Of the 100 people tested, 30 - 40 years ago, 80 people have no ideals at all, 10 people have but are not sure, and 7 people have written, 3 people have written visualized and believed that its goals will be achieved. From these statistics also turned out to only 3 people who become successful, either financially, health, family, or even become the leader of a country. You want included in the category where? The choice is yours .*
Department of Management Faculty of Economics, University of Gunadarma held a Seminar on Dissemination of Research Results Management Science, held at Campus A University Gunadarma Kalimalang
Dean of Faculty of Economics, University of Gunadarma Toto Sugiarto, Ir, MSc, PhD said, the event was held for ordinary students to do research, at least make a good thesis for those who already received permission from the faculty. As for regular faculty to do research because of the many competitions held by the government and private sector
Currently, he said, a lot of competition for lecturers including competitive grants for all faculty who were not much to gain. He also mentions, by chance he ever get Grant International publication whose articles will be published by one journal in Canada.
"We will try to encourage students and also lecturers for bias perform well in national and international stage," he said.
Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma, he added, will go international by the year 2010 with Laurentian University in Canada will play host to take you to the wider world, "he said.
Furthermore Toto explains, will form a selection team that entered and eligible papers to be presented at the conference. He invited the students to do research and if not perfect in English. "Do not be afraid because we will help to improve," he said. " It is quite possible there are students from the campus Kalimalang the bias appears in the International Conference on Bali. "
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Department of Management Sciences Murtono S. Faith, PhD presenting on a variety of reasons why someone should investigate. "Measuring the ability of researching, there is a good read, enjoy writing, the value is high. There is also a rarely read often write, its value is low, rarely enjoyed reading writing, its value is high and does not like to read, do not enjoy writing, its value is low, "he said
Dr. M Abdul Mukhyi, lecturers and researchers from the Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma on the occasion, describes his experiences as a researcher.According Mukhyi, wrote that it seems easy but hard, especially to begin the introductory chapter. Therefore, always carry a pen and paper everywhere go "Once the ad aide, wrote directly because if delayed bias forget," he said.
After writing ideas, biases in consultation with the lecturer. "Lecturers will definitely help lead," he said. He also reminded not to make the title if the process is already running. "Bias was not fit and like to be forced, it would funny," he said.
He has the experience to guide students in Klimalang who do research in local government of Bekasi. "Only 2 months of completion and now so civil servants in the Office of Budget place to do research," he said. In addition, he also presented important tips that should be a researcher.
Last chance is to listen to an explanation from Secretary of Department of Management Sciences University Gunadarma Dra. Lies Hendrijaningsih, MM regarding submission of thesis for students debriefing.
Studies have made a distinction between nascent (i.e., individuals considering the establishment of a new business), novice (i.e., individuals with no prior business ownership experience as a business founder, an inheritor or a purchaser of a business), habitual (i.e., individuals with prior business ownership experience), serial (i.e., individuals who have sold / closed their original business but at a later date have inherited, established and / or purchased another business), and portfolio entrepreneurs (i.e., individuals who have retained their original business but a later date have inherited, established and / or purchased another business) (Westhead and Wright, 1998a; Wright, Westhead and Sohl, 1998; Delmar and Davidsson, 2000).There is an increased awareness of the need for a greater understanding of the processes and strategies selected by different types of entrepreneurs (Hornaday, 1990; Rosa, 1998) to grow their ventures.
Studies have now begun to focus upon the pre-venture creation stage during which individuals may be described as nascent entrepreneurs (Delmar and Davidsson, 2000).Reynolds (1997) found that nascent entrepreneurs are not homogeneous, with the age of the entrepreneur and their previous employment status being important discriminators.Carter, Gartner and Reynolds (1996) showedthat the individuals actually found to establisha business had undertaken more activities, including gathering the necessary resources, to ensure that their business idea was tangible than those who had given up.Longitudinal studies are important in order to provide insights into the extent to which nascent entrepreneurs actually start businesses and the processes that are involved.Additional research in this area might usefully examine the links between pre-start-up activities and venture success rates.Studies seem to be warranted that focus upon whether the difference between those individuals who successfully start a business and those who give up is attributable to the nature of the opportunity, to the commitment and expectations of the nascent entrepreneur or to the level of resource availability in the external environment.Alsos and Kolvereid (1998) have presented a study that begins to shed light on these issues.They found that portfolio founders had a higher probability of venture implementation than novice or serial founders.
Seminar Content: Subsea tieback technology is presented in an introductory level, two-day class covering overall design and hardware. Sessions include offshore equipment and services required to install and maintain a tieback from the wellhead to the host facility. Seminar Dates: March 16-17, 2011 June 15-16, 2011 October 12-13, 2011 Attendance is limited to 25 people per seminar. Oceaneering reserves the right to cancel any seminar with fewer than 15 registrations.Place: The seminar will take place at the corporate headquarters of Oceaneering International, Inc., 11911 FM 529, Kemang, Jakarta.What You Get Subsea tiebacks are introduced in two comprehensive ½ day sessions beginning with lunch on Day 1 and finishing with lunch on Day 2. Oceaneering engineers and project managers deliver presentations in their areas of expertise and respond to direct questions from the group. Topics explore system level considerations and technical specifications, but also cover broad-based design issues. The goal of the seminar is to equip participants with a basic understanding of what it takes to develop and maintain a successful subsea tieback project. Major equipment alternatives and options are reviewed, along with their impacts. Throughout the seminar, participants can discuss matters of individual relevance in a casual atmosphere with the presenters. Meals are included in the seminar fee.Scope This course covers subsea tiebacks from the wellhead to the host facility.Seminar Description The seminar provides a systems level introduction to the hardware and offshore services necessary for connecting a subsea well to a remote host. Presentations address technical requirements, design and selection of equipment, installation methods and interface issues.Who Should Attend? Managers, engineers and operations personnel responsible for any or all requirements for a subsea tieback project. Oil and gas company personnel looking for cost-effective ways to develop and produce fields using subsea tieback technology will benefit from this course.