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Senin, 07 Maret 2011


Studies have made a distinction between nascent (i.e., individuals considering the establishment of a new business), novice (i.e., individuals with no prior business ownership experience as a business founder, an inheritor or a purchaser of a business), habitual (i.e., individuals with prior business ownership experience), serial (i.e., individuals who have sold / closed their original business but at a later date have inherited, established and / or purchased another business), and portfolio entrepreneurs (i.e., individuals who have retained their original business but a later date have inherited, established and / or purchased another business) (Westhead and Wright, 1998a; Wright, Westhead and Sohl, 1998; Delmar and Davidsson, 2000). There is an increased awareness of the need for a greater understanding of the processes and strategies selected by different types of entrepreneurs (Hornaday, 1990; Rosa, 1998) to grow their ventures.

Studies have now begun to focus upon the pre-venture creation stage during which individuals may be described as nascent entrepreneurs (Delmar and Davidsson, 2000). Reynolds (1997) found that nascent entrepreneurs are not homogeneous, with the age of the entrepreneur and their previous employment status being important discriminators. Carter, Gartner and Reynolds (1996) showed that the individuals actually found to establish a business had undertaken more activities, including gathering the necessary resources, to ensure that their business idea was tangible than those who had given up. Longitudinal studies are important in order to provide insights into the extent to which nascent entrepreneurs actually start businesses and the processes that are involved. Additional research in this area might usefully examine the links between pre-start-up activities and venture success rates. Studies seem to be warranted that focus upon whether the difference between those individuals who successfully start a business and those who give up is attributable to the nature of the opportunity, to the commitment and expectations of the nascent entrepreneur or to the level of resource availability in the external environment. Alsos and Kolvereid (1998) have presented a study that begins to shed light on these issues. They found that portfolio founders had a higher probability of venture implementation than novice or serial founders.


Seminar Content:
Subsea tieback technology is presented in an introductory level, two-day class covering overall design and hardware. Sessions include offshore equipment and services required to install and maintain a tieback from the wellhead to the host facility.

Seminar Dates:
March 16-17, 2011
June 15-16, 2011
October 12-13, 2011
Attendance is limited to 25 people per seminar. Oceaneering reserves the right to cancel any seminar with fewer than 15 registrations.
The seminar will take place at the corporate headquarters of Oceaneering International, Inc., 11911 FM 529, Kemang, Jakarta.
What You Get
Subsea tiebacks are introduced in two comprehensive ½ day sessions beginning with lunch on Day 1 and finishing with lunch on Day 2. Oceaneering engineers and project managers deliver presentations in their areas of expertise and respond to direct questions from the group. Topics explore system level considerations and technical specifications, but also cover broad-based design issues.
The goal of the seminar is to equip participants with a basic understanding of what it takes to develop and maintain a successful subsea tieback project. Major equipment alternatives and options are reviewed, along with their impacts. Throughout the seminar, participants can discuss matters of individual relevance in a casual atmosphere with the presenters. Meals are included in the seminar fee.
This course covers subsea tiebacks from the wellhead to the host facility.
Seminar Description
The seminar provides a systems level introduction to the hardware and offshore services necessary for connecting a subsea well to a remote host. Presentations address technical requirements, design and selection of equipment, installation methods and interface issues.
Who Should Attend?
Managers, engineers and operations personnel responsible for any or all requirements for a subsea tieback project. Oil and gas company personnel looking for cost-effective ways to develop and produce fields using subsea tieback technology will benefit from this course.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2



Date of birth : September 09, 1989

Age : 21

Nationality : Indonesia

Home address : 113 Parang Tritis C

Bekasi 17114

Marital Status : Single

Education : Elementary School

Junior High school

Senior High School

Indonesian English Course (IEC)

Activities : College of Economic Manajemen at Gunadarma University

Work Eexperience : I have no experience

Work experience : -

Skills : Typing, Word Processor

Reference : Forwarded upon request

Language : English

Parang Tritis C 113


Bekasi 17114

Mr. Dedy Darmadi


PT. Merdeka Sejahtera Bahari, PT. Merdeka Sejahtera Bahari

Jl. Mawar Luar no.38 rt.09 rw.12

Sub-district TG. Priok

Jakarta Utara

Dear Mr. Dedy Darmadi,

With reference to your advertisement for a IT staff in MEDIA INDONESIA on 14 February, I would like to apply the post.

I am 21 years old and was educated at Gunadarma University. I received my degree (D III) in Economic Manajemen.

I have no experience, and I’ll strive to do my job the best.

I would be available for an interview on any day after 12 March.

Mr. Indra Rahmat and Mr. Rocky Balboa are willing to give me references.

I look forward to having your reply.

Yous Sincerely,

Bimo Panji Prakoso

PT. Merdeka Sejahtera Bahari, PT. Merdeka Sejahtera Bahari

Jl. Mawar Luar no.38 rt.09 rw.12

Sub-district TG. Priok

Jakarta Utara

14th February, 2011

Mr. Indra Rahmat

Executive Director

Sub-district TG. Priok

Jakarta Utara

Dear Mr. Indra Rahmat,

Mr. Bimo has applied for the position of IT staff to the President Director of this company and has given you name as a reference.

We would be very grateful if you could give us your opinion of her suitability for the position we have.

Any information that you can give us will of course be treated as strictly confidential.

Yours sincerely

Muhammad Reza

Personnel Manager